Monday, May 31, 2010

Meet the Baristas: Part 7, Justin

Through this feature, we've profiled 6 of the amazing baristas that work at YellowLeaf Coffee, but aren't there at least a couple of guys who work there, too? Yeah, and this week we're profiling one of them - Justin.

Justin is coming up on five years at YellowLeaf, and still loves it! He has been married for close to 4 years, and has a 2 1/2 year old son. Justin loves comic books, Star Trek, Star Wars - in short, he's a certified geek.

When he's not at YellowLeaf, Justin is also the director of youth ministries at Willow Hills Church.

Justin likes to experiment with the various flavors that YellowLeaf offers, and has come up with some great flavor combinations. He's not the only one, either. All the baristas really like it when customers ask us to surprise them. We love being able to offer drink options beyond what is on the menu.

When it comes right down to it, Justin's favorite drink is a small, double shot dark chocolate mocha. So, for this week's website only special, order Justin's special and we'll throw in an extra shot of espresso for free!

1 comment:

  1. Does he wear that tux to work??? :)

    I miss Yellow Leaf. Any chance you're opening up shop on the East Coast? All we have are Starbucks, and Starbucks, and Starbucks.

    I love the Meet the Barista Blogs. What a great idea! Hope this catches on!
