Monday, May 10, 2010

Meet the Baristas: Part 5, Erica

Erica has been with YellowLeaf for 3 1/2 years while completing her degree in meteorology from Embry Riddle. She's originally from Seattle, Washington and, unsurprisingly, loves the weather in Arizona, particularly the summer monsoon season. In her free time, she plays soccer and studies weather.

Erica wants to reiterate that we really do enjoy spending as much time as we can with each customer, finding out how their day went, and hearing any ideas they'd like to share.

Her favorite drink is an au lait (sometimes called a misto), which is half brewed coffee and half steamed milk. Erica likes it with soy, but you can enjoy it with whole or non-fat milk, too. It's a great combination of the full, bold flavor of the coffee and the rich, creaminess of the milk.

Order Erica's Special this week to try an Au Lait for 15% off.


  1. Erica is one of my favorite people of all times! I too, worked at Yellowleaf Coffee for about 2 years. Erica was the best to work with!
    I have been moving all over the place since I left Yellow....but it is still by FAR my favorite job. That place is amazing.
    Cristen Robinson

  2. erica's such a sweetheart!! she makes the best drinks!!!

  3. Erica is the best barista in town! She makes amazing drinks and is always upbeat and positive! I look forward to visiting YellowLeaf because she is there.

  4. Not only is she very consistent with her drinks, but she remembers names of customers. She makes the yellowleaf visit personable and enjoyable! I love visiting the Leaf! Thank you Erica!

  5. Erica Rocks!!! -- A former employee
