Monday, May 31, 2010

Featured Flavors, June 2010

This month we are featuring a flavor we don't normally stock - Banana. Enjoy it in the following drinks, or come up with your own creation!

Banana Split Mocha*** - Milk Chocolate, Strawberry and Banana

Summer Fling*** - Creamy Caramel and Banana

Sunny Days*** - Dark Chocolate and Banana

All three are great hot, iced or blended!

*** flavor not available year round, enjoy while supplies last.

Meet the Baristas: Part 7, Justin

Through this feature, we've profiled 6 of the amazing baristas that work at YellowLeaf Coffee, but aren't there at least a couple of guys who work there, too? Yeah, and this week we're profiling one of them - Justin.

Justin is coming up on five years at YellowLeaf, and still loves it! He has been married for close to 4 years, and has a 2 1/2 year old son. Justin loves comic books, Star Trek, Star Wars - in short, he's a certified geek.

When he's not at YellowLeaf, Justin is also the director of youth ministries at Willow Hills Church.

Justin likes to experiment with the various flavors that YellowLeaf offers, and has come up with some great flavor combinations. He's not the only one, either. All the baristas really like it when customers ask us to surprise them. We love being able to offer drink options beyond what is on the menu.

When it comes right down to it, Justin's favorite drink is a small, double shot dark chocolate mocha. So, for this week's website only special, order Justin's special and we'll throw in an extra shot of espresso for free!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Meet the Baristas: Part 6, Emily

Emily has been with YellowLeaf for about 8 months now. She's an '09 grad of Prescott High School, a lifeguard, attends the Heights Church, and is a member of the Yavapai College swim team! Emily loves reading, travel and music, too. She obviously keeps herself pretty busy.

Emily's favorite drink is a black iced tea with blackberry flavoring. It's a great treat as the weather is getting warmer.

This week, ask for Emily's special and get a free syrup flavor added to either tropical or black iced tea.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We will return to your regularly scheduled program shortly...

You may have noticed by now that there is not a new profile up yet, and there's a perfectly good explanation for it! Really!

You see, the individual responsible for this blog has recently moved into a new home (Yay!), but in the process of moving, packing and unpacking, he has mislaid the Barista Profile forms. Additionally, internet service was not turned on until late today, so he's running a bit late.

Keep watching this space, as our next Barista Profile will be posted soon. Check back soon to find out more about Emily!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Meet the Baristas: Part 5, Erica

Erica has been with YellowLeaf for 3 1/2 years while completing her degree in meteorology from Embry Riddle. She's originally from Seattle, Washington and, unsurprisingly, loves the weather in Arizona, particularly the summer monsoon season. In her free time, she plays soccer and studies weather.

Erica wants to reiterate that we really do enjoy spending as much time as we can with each customer, finding out how their day went, and hearing any ideas they'd like to share.

Her favorite drink is an au lait (sometimes called a misto), which is half brewed coffee and half steamed milk. Erica likes it with soy, but you can enjoy it with whole or non-fat milk, too. It's a great combination of the full, bold flavor of the coffee and the rich, creaminess of the milk.

Order Erica's Special this week to try an Au Lait for 15% off.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Featured Flavors, May 2010

We got a couple suggestions in our "Suggest a Special" contest, but they were a little late to be considered. We will be doing these contests periodically, though, so keep checking back for your chance to win.

For May, we have two great Featured Flavors to try:

May-Day - Milk Chocolate, Hazelnut and English Toffee

Spring Fever - Milk Chocolate, Coconut and Almond

Enjoy either of these all month long, over ice, blended or hot (since the weather has been so unpredictable lately!).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Meet the Baristas: Part 4, Adrianne

Adrianne is our world traveler, having been to 33 countries. She's even taught English in Southern France!

Adrianne has been with YellowLeaf for just about a year, having been referred by her sisters-in-law, Kristina and Cynthia, both of whom worked here over the past few years.

She would like you to know that we here at YellowLeaf really do enjoy talking to our customers about the "ins and outs" of coffee making, so if you have a question, feel free to ask!

Adrianne's favorite drink is an iced cherry almond latte, made with hot shots (we can do that!) and 1% milk.

Ask for Adrianne's special this week and get a cherry almond latte (iced, hot or blended) for 15% off.